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This site is a compilation of many people's work and may be copied, but may not be used for commercial gain.

See also
Keating SIMONS's other family: with Sarah LEWIS ( -1791)
Eleanor BALL's other family: with ? WILSON ( - )

Family of Keating SIMONS and Eleanor BALL

Husband: Keating SIMONS (1753-1834)
Wife: Eleanor BALL (1765?-1827)
Marriage 29 Sep 1793

Husband: Keating SIMONS

Name: Keating SIMONS
Sex: Male
Father: Benjamin SIMONS II. (1713-1772)
Mother: Ann KEATING (1718-1754)
Birth 6 Jan 1753
Death 18 Sep 1834 (age 81) Orange St, Charleston, SC
Burial Lewisfield plantation

Wife: Eleanor BALL

Name: Eleanor BALL
Sex: Female
Father: -
Mother: -
Birth 1765 (app)
Death 20 Mar 1827 (age 61-62)
Burial Lewisfield

Note on Husband: Keating SIMONS

The South Carolina Gazette

Marriage Notices Excerpts 1770 - 1779

On Thursday last Mr. Keating Simons was married to Miss Sarah Lewis, only child of Mr. Sedgwick Lewis. (Monday, June 13, 1774.)


Fought for Francis Marion. DeSaussure, Wilmot G. Officers Who Served in the South Carolina Regiments Charleston, 1894, page 235.

Brigade Maj., 1781; Chief of Staff to Gen. Marion.


Gov. Matthews to Gen. Marion

[Horry MS.]


Uxbridge, September 1, 1782.




Your letter, received yesterday, relieved me from a great deal of uneasiness, as Mr. K. Simons came down two days before and informed me that he was apprehensive, from the accounts he had heard, that your brigade had been defeated, a total route ensued, and that they had suffered severely. Under these impressions, you may judge what must have been my feelings on receipt of your letter yesterday. I most sincerely congratulate you, sir, on your triumph over the deep laid scheme of our inveterate enemies. Their disappointment, in a plan they had depended so much upon, must chagrin them far more than their loss. Your account of the behavior of the militia reflects great honor on them, and exhibits an example worthy of imitation by the rest of their brethren. With respect to the prize you mention, I would have you by all means carry the proclamation into force against her in the most rigid manneralso, with regard to any others that might be taken; for, notwithstanding every exertion, the Charlestown markets are amply supplied with all kinds of provisions, by a parcel of mercenary, infamous wretches, who make lucre their only object, no matter how diabolical the means they pursue to obtain it, or how prejudicial it may be to the interest of their country.


I am, sir, your most obedient humble servant,




(From Documentary History of the American Revolution, by Gibbes, Volume 2, p. 218)

Doc ID: Gibbes, v. 2, p. 218

Date: 9/01/1782