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Family of Benjamin MARION and Mary --?--
Husband: | Benjamin MARION ( - ) | |
Wife: | Mary --?-- ( - ) | |
Children: | John MARION ( - ) |
Husband: Benjamin MARION
Name: | Benjamin MARION | |
Sex: | Male | |
Father: | Jean MARION ( - ) | |
Mother: | Perrine BOUTIGNON ( - ) | |
Birth | Chaume en Poitou, France |
Wife: Mary --?--
Name: | Mary --?-- | |
Sex: | Female | |
Father: | - | |
Mother: | - |
Child 1: John MARION
Name: | John MARION | |
Sex: | Male |
Note on Husband: Benjamin MARION
Transactions of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina No. 5., Charleston, South Carolina, 1897.
In the journals of the Governor and Council, commencing from 1670 is the following memorandum viz., Whereas,
Benjamin Marion hath made it appear yt he hath at his proper cost and charge imported into the province of Carolina
seven persons, aged above sixteen years, to plant and inhabit in ye sd province, named Benjamin Marion, Judith,
his wife, Andrew Dealean, Madeleine Bulnatt, Mary and Nicholas, servants, Toby, and Rosa, a negro woman, and
persons under yt age mentioned, ye names of all which persons were registered in ye Secretary's office, within
fourteen days after their arrival in ye province aforesaid. You are therefore to survey and admeasure out for the
said Benjamin Marion, three hundred and fifty acres of land according to ye rules and portions appointed by ye Lords
Proprietors. Instructions for granting of land bearing date ye 6th February, 1692, of which survey you are to make
certificate, ye wch, together with a plott of ye sd land, and you are to take notice yt if ye sd Benjamin Marion doth not,
within ye space of ninety days after ye surveying and admeasuring out ye sd land of 350 acres, take out grants
for the same, according as it is appointed by the power to me given and granted by William, Earl of Craven, Pallatine,
Anthony, Lord Ashley, George, Lord Carteret, Sir Peter Colleton, Baronet ; Lith Lothill, Tho Archdale and Thomas
Amye, Esquires, for conveying land that then ye sd land is free to be made choice of, surveyed or granted to any other
person whatever.
Given under my hand and seal this thirteenth day of March, Ano Dmi 1693-4.
THO. SMITH, Governor.
To Job Howes, Surveyor.
This record would seem to determine the period of his arrival, as having been between the 6th February, 1692-3, and
the 13th March, 1693-4.
Huguenot Settlers in North America and Europe
"Liste Des Francois Et Suisses"
From An Old Manuscript List of
French and Swiss Protestants
Settled In
On the Santee
And At the
Orange Quarter
In Carolina
Who Desired Naturalization
Prepared Probably About 1695-6
Des Francois Et Suisses Refugiez En Caroline Qui
Souhaittent D'etre Naturalizes Anglois.
Page 60
114. BENJAMIN MARION, ne a la Chaume en Poitou,
fils de Jean Marion et de Perinne Boutignon.
Judith Baluet, sa femme.
Ester, Gabrielle, et Benjamin, leurs enfans,
nez en Caroline.
"Testament de B. Marion, fait a sa Plantation ce 13 de Jenvier,1734."
Will of B. Marion, done at his Plantation this 13 January 1734"
"Au non du pere et du filis et du S'esprit Amen. fachent quil ni a nien de plus sertain que la mort ni de plus insertain quelle Lhoure disselle me trouvent grace Au Seigneur sain de Jugement et dintendement Jay fait mon testament comme il sent sait premierement je recommende mon ame a Dieu leprients de me faire misericorde pour la mour de mon Sauveur Jesus Christ A le gard de mon corps Je la bandonne a la terre laisen le soin de ma setpulture a ma femme et mes enfans.
"In the name of our Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Knowing that there is nothing more certain then death and uncertain the hour she (death) will find me, grace to the Holy Lord of judgment and intendment, I have done my will as it is known and firstly I recommend my soul to God asking Him for mercy for the love of my savior Jesus Christ. For the guarding of my corpse, I abandoned it to the earth and leave the care of my burial to my wife and my children.
ARTICLE PREMIERE--A Legard de mes biens Jordonne Premierement que mes Executeurs Donneront au pauvre cinquante piece A Ceux que mes Executeurs Jugeront en auvoir le plus de besoin Jordonne ausy que toute mes legitimes deptes soit toute payee.
With regards to my goods I order firstly to my executors to give to the poor 50 pieces to those which my Executors will judge to have the most need. I also order that all my legitimate debts be all paid.
ARTICLE SECONDE--Je Declare que lors que Jay etabty mon fils Gabriel et ma fille Gignilleat Je leurs ait Donne en consience tout ce que Je pouvois leur donner alors mais de plus Je donne a mon fils Gabriel une Obligation de deux cent Cinquante piece et toute linterrest il sera quile avec mes enfens et a legard de ma fille Gignilleat Javois promis un naigre a ma pettite fille Ester Gignilleat lers quelle seroit en age ou marree mais ayant Juge mieux a propos davoir plutot une Jeune naigraisse que le naigre meme le pere la choisy il lon nome files Je la donne dont a ma pettite fille Ester Gignilleat en dispose come bon luy sembtera.
I declare when I establish my son GABRIEL and my daughter Gignilleat I gave then in all conscience all I could give then. But moreover I give my son Gabriel a Bond (Obligation) of 250 pieces and all interest. He will be free (quile = quitte?= will be free) with my children and in regard of my daughter Gignilleat. I had promised a negro to my grand daughter (little daughter literally) Ester Gignilleat at the time whom she would be of age or married but having better judged to have rather a young Negress than the Negro even the father he choose one named "fille" (daughter) I gave her to my grand daughter Ester Gignilleat to dispose as she wants.
ARTICLE TROISSIONS--Je declare avoir etably mon fils Jean et mon fils Benjamin je leur ait donnes a chacun sents et Cinque acre de terre des terre que favois agete de Mr. John Gibbs avec chacun trois naigre bestieau brebis cheuvaux canvalle enfain tout ce qui faut pour une nouvelle plantation mais quand il arrive apres quelque Annes mon fils Jean ne peuvent rien faire, de sus a vendu sa terre a Neuf Izard et nayent plus de terre fay aite oblige de lui lesser avoir lusage de cent acre que jay a wasmesaw joignent celle que jay donnes a mon fils soul Jusque a ce quil soit, Pourveux ont corservera les chene blane et rouge que Jennay grand besoin pour lusage de cette plantations isy.
I declare to have establish my son JEAN and my son BENJAMIN. I gave them each 105 acres of land that I have bought from Mr. John Gibbs with each 3 Negros, cattle, sheep, horses, equipments (canvalle=?) all what is needed for a new plantation. But after a few years my son JEAN could not do anything with it, he sold his land to "Neuf Izard" (could be also Widow Izard, because Izard can be referred as a plantation) and having no land, I was obligated to let have him the use of 100 acres that I have at Wasmesaw (Wassamasaw is right out of Goose Creek), joining the land that I gave my son PAUL ( soul in text, but must be Paul?) as long as he keeps the white and red oaks that I greatly needed for use for this plantation here.
ARTICLE QUATRIEME-- Je declare qua legard de mon fils Benjamin Je lui ait donnes tout auteme come jay fait a mon fils Jean an naigre en terre en tout autre chose mais quand arrive il la ausy vendu sa terre de Cent et Cinque acres de terre pour la some de fix cent piece que jay achette de lui Maime or Voisy le payement premierement il me deuvoit deux Cent piece dont je le tient quite et ses nerittiers et a legard des quatre Cent piece voicy comme ont a fait Benjamin devoit au enfans de Desfaits pierre guerain quatre cent piece le rese dune bands de Nuit cent piece sy bien que le Reste de Cette Obligations qui ait quatre Cent piece je la pren fur moy pour en faire entierrement payant ou nes Heritiers ainsy Je tiens quite mon fils Benjamin et fes Herritiers le dechargen entierrement des six cent piece et ses Heritiers ainsy la terre de cent cinque acres de terre Retourne a moi pour en disposer selon ma volonte.
I declare that with regard to my son Benjamin I gave him as much as I have done to my son Jean inasmuch as Negro, land and anything else but then he sold his land of 105 acres for the sum of 600 pieces which I bought of him so here is the payment. Firstly he owes me 200 pieces of which I hold him and his heirs free and with regards to the 400 pieces here is what I have done: Benjamin owns to the children of deceased Pierre Guerin 400 pieces, the remain of a "bands de Nuit" (could be a furniture?) 100 pieces, so that the remainder of his obligations which is 400 pieces I take it on me as payable including his heirs. Thus, I hold free my son Benjamin and his heirs discharging entirely of the 600 pieces and his heirs. Therefore the land of 105 acres return to me to dispose according to my wish.
ARTICLE CINQUEIEME--A legard de mon fils Paul je lui ait donnee deux cent acres de terre a Wasmesaw goiguent celle que jay vendu a Monsieur Brathon disposer a sa volonte il a en ausy autems de naigre et toute autre choses come ses on eu.
With regard to my son PAUL I gave him 200 acres of land at Wasmesaw (Wassamasaw is right out of Goose Creek ?) next to the one I sold to MONSIEUR BRATHON to dispose as he wish. I gave him as much Negro and other things as I gave his brothers.
ARTICLE SIXEMS-- A legard de ma fille Marie Je Declare en la marrient que je lui donne un naigre qui sapelle gools et sa femme Susy et trois enfens Mommes Seray et filly et les autre enfans quelle poura avoir je les ait donnee avec autres choses pour sen menage le tout a ma fille Marie pour en disposer selont sa volonte.
With regard to my daughter MARIE, I declare that when she married I gave her a Negro named "Gools" and his wife "Susy" and 3 children, Mommy Seray and "Filly" and other children they can have I gave them and other things for her household everything to my daughter MARIE to dispose as she wish.
(About Mommy Seray and "filly": again because of no punctuation, these could be the name of the 3 children, Mommes, Seray and filly)
ARTICLE SEPTIEMS--tous mes enfens qui sont dehors et qui ont eu leur portions ne doivent attendre un Joto Dauvantage de se qui Reste Jordonne quon a chete a ma pettite fille Nensy une June naigresse de son age et quon lui donne son entretiens et son Eccole..
All my children that are outside and that received their share do not wait for more for what is left. I order to buy to my grand daughter Nancy a young Negress of her age and to give her maintenance and schooling.
ARTICLE HUITIEME-- A legard de mes autre trois filles savvoir Anne Elizabeth et Judie en les marrient chacune aura tout autant que leur seur Marie eu la valeurs.
With regard to my other 3 daughters, ANNE, ELISABETH and JUDIE when they married each will have as much in value as their sister MARIE had.
ARTICLE NEUVEIEME-- A legard de ma chere femme je lui donne papa Ginis et les deux derniers enfans savoir Isaac et Lissete a en disposer selon son plaisr mais voicy une rude article et ne puis mon disposer cest que by ma femme venoit a ce marrier quil faut quelle sorte aves je luy ait donne ses chevaux et son menage ne seroit il pas chose injuste qun aitranger vieneroit dissiper le bien quil na point gannes mais Jay meilleur Opinion de ma femme et croy quelle demeurera veuve veurtneuse gouvernent sa famile en La Crainte de dieu comme elle a toujours faite sy elle fait Cela comme je lespere, je la constitue Executrix administratisse avec mon fils Pierre et mon fils Jacque lors quil sera en age de plus Je donne a ma famme tout les agneaux et vaux et autre viande qui se vendera au boucher pour avoir ses petite commodite, sur toute choses mon cher fils Pierre je vous Ordonne de ne lesser monquer, ni vos seurs selon leurs condition, ny votre cher mere qui vous a elevee avecque un sy grand douceurs si vous le faite le seigneur vous en benira at ores une bonne reputation en ce monde et cy vous le faite pas les petite corbeaux du dessert viendront vous Aracher les Yeux.
With regard to my dear wife I give her "Papa Ginis" and the last two children "Isaac" and "Lisette" to dispose according to her wish. But here is a rude comment that I cannot let it go. If my wife will re-marry, she will have to think I gave her horse and household. It would be unjust that a stranger come to dissipate the goods that he did not earn. But I have better opinion of my wife, and believe she will remain a virtuous widow governing her family in fear of God as she always did. If she does as I hope, I constitute her Administrative Executor with my son PIERRE and JACQUES when there are old enough. Furthermore I give to my wife all the lambs, veal and other meats to be sold to the butcher to get small commodities. Above all my dear son PIERRE I order not to let fun neither your sisters because of their conditions neither your dear mother who raised you with such great softness. If you do it the Lord will bless you with a good reputation in this world and if you don't, the small desert corbels will come to remove your eyes.
ARTICLE DIXEMS--Touchent quelque argenterie de Realle bage pierrerie--tout ses petites choses sont a ma femme et pour ma tasse dargen il la donne a mon Pierre et pour les huits Exeus de poche et Cachette Pierre et Jacque les partageront pour mes boucle dargent Je les donne a mon fils Jacque et lors que Dieu ora Retire votre mere de ce Monde vous ne menqueras pas de Lenterrer contre moi.
Regarding some silverware ring gems. All these little things belongs to my wife and for my silver cup (Huguenot Cup?) I give it to PIERRE and for the 8 "Exeus de poche (?) et Cachette"(Seal ? ) Pierre and Jacques will divide, for my silver buckles I gave them to my son Jacques and when God will remove your mother from this World, you will not forget to burry her beside me.
ARTICLE 11 EME--Apres done la mort de ma femme mon fils Pierre et mon Jacque orent tout Je leur donne toute mes terres qui font icy en gooskie et les cent acre a Wasmesaw tous les naigre avec tous seux qui Sacheteront jusque au partage tout le betail berbis cheuvaux et tout autre mouble et unmueble Pierre doit avoir le choix de deux plantation et si Jacque venoit a mourrir sen enfans le tout sera a Pierre mouble et inmouble mais le memme chose doit aitre ausy que si Pierre meur sen aitre marries le tout sera ausy mouble et Inmouble a mon fils Jacque Si mon fils Pierre veut sa Narrier se la ne doit nullement en paicher sa femme sera en la maison la mame chose que ma femme et mes fille, fait en Caroline sur ma plantation ce 13 janvier 1734
After the death of my wife my son Pierre and Jacques will have everything. I give them all my lands here in "Gooskie" (Goose creek?) and the 100 acres at Wasmesaw (Wassamasaw), all the Negros with all the one that will be bought until sharing them and all the cattle, lambs, horses and all the furniture and buildings. Pierre must have the choice of 2 plantations and if Jacques suddenly died without children, everything will go to Pierre furniture and building, but, the same thing must be if Pierre died without being married all furniture and buildings goes to my son Jacques. If my son Pierre want to marry this must not prevent his wife to be at the house same as my wife and my daughters.
Done in Carolina on my plantation this 13 January 1734
ARTICLE DERNIERS-- Je declare que Cecy Ait Mon derniers Testament et que touts autre sera de Nulle Valeur et Veut quil soit Exequte de point en point en foy de quoy Jay signes et sele de mon present seau en presence de--- B. Marion (Seal)
Signs et selle in presence De
Peter Guerin, Jas. Sanders, Daniel Galiot
LAST ARTICLE I declare this is my last Will and all others are null and want it to be executed exactly, in spirit of which I signed and sealed with my current seal in the presence of witness Peter Guerin, Jas. Sanders, Daniel Galiot
Tanslation by Kit F.