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Family of Paul CORDES and Marie DEPEUCH
Husband: | Paul CORDES ( - ) | |
Wife: | Marie DEPEUCH ( - ) | |
Children: | Anthione Dr. CORDES (1666-1712) | |
James CORDES ( - ) |
Husband: Paul CORDES
Name: | Paul CORDES | |
Sex: | Male | |
Father: | - | |
Mother: | - |
Wife: Marie DEPEUCH
Name: | Marie DEPEUCH | |
Sex: | Female | |
Father: | - | |
Mother: | - |
Child 1: Anthione Dr. CORDES
Name: | Anthione Dr. CORDES | |
Sex: | Male | |
Spouse: | Esther Madaleine BALLUET ( - ) | |
Birth | 19 Apr 1666 | Mazamet, Languedoc, France |
Death | 22 Feb 1711/12 (age 45) |
Child 2: James CORDES
Name: | James CORDES | |
Sex: | Male |
Note on Child 1: Anthione Dr. CORDES
Cordesville, settled in 1686 was named for Dr. Anthony Cordes who was responsible for the settlement of Huguenots there. "Palmetto Place Names"
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I Anthony Cordes of Berkly County in the province of South Carolina Phisician being Sick in my body but of Sound and perfect mind and Memory praise be given to Almighty God, Therefore, I do make and Ordaine this my last will & Testamt in Manner and forme following, first I Bequeath my Soul into ye Hands of almighty God hopeing and Afsuredly believing the Salvation of the Same, through the alone Merritts of Jesus Christ my Blefsed Saviour and redeemer, and my body I commit to ye Earth to be Decently buried at ye Discretion of my Executrs hereafter named, being in full & Certain hope of a resurrection unto Eternal Life---AND for my Estate Which it hath pleased god to bestow upon me in this World; I DO GIVE and Dispose of the Same as following
IMPRIMIS I will yt all my Just debts & funeral expences shall be first payd & discharged
2ly I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Magdalena one Indian Girle going by the name of Jenny
3ly I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Esther one Negroe Girle going by the name of Mariana
4ly I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Anna, One Negroe Girle going by ye name of Peguy
5ly I Give and Bequeath unto my Dear and beloved Elder son Isaac Cordes my Plantation that I now live on Containing two hundred Acres of land, Together with Six hundred of land Which I Cause to be measured Joyning the Said two hundred Acres of land
6ly AND all ye rest of my Estate both real and Personall I Give and Bequeath to be Equally Parted and Divided between all my dear and beloved Children by Name, Isaac, Thomas, James, francis, Magdaln Esther and Ann: but in cafe that any of them Shall dye before they Shall Come to ye age of twenty one years or marriage, then I will yt ye Share that Should have his or her shall be equally divided among all the rest of my Children
ITEM I Do nominate, Constitute And appoint my loveing Brother, James Cordes, and my loveing friend Rone Ravenel, Paul Peter Johns Esqr and Peter Deft Julian Esqr Executors of this my last Will & Testamt
LASTLY and Do by these pesents revoake, renounce & made void all former and other Wills and Testamts by me heretofore made & do Declare and appoint this to be my last Will & Testamt----------IN WITNEFS whereof I the Said Anthony Cordes have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal this Six and twentieth day of January in ye year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred Eleven and Twelve------
SIGNED, Sealed & Published & Declared by
the above named Anthon Cordes to be his last will
& Testamt,
In ye pesence of Troiillar Anthony Cordes (SEAL)
Jean Perineau
Moses Carion
the mark
James (capital I) Dabor
Moses Carion Junr
Robt Gibbes
Recorded in Original Will Book 1711-1718
Recorded on Page 26
Memorandm On this 22d. of February Ano. Dom: 1711-2 personally
Came and appeared before me the Honorble. the Governr, & Ordinary Mr. Mofses Carion Senr. Mr. Mofses Carion Junr. & Mr.
John Perineau three of the Subscribeing Witnefses to the within Will who being duly Sworne Say & each of them Saith Yt. they &
each of them was prsent & did see Dr. Antho. Cordes Sign Seal publish & Declare Ye wth in Written to be & Contain his last
Will & Testament & Yt. at Ye Doing thereof he was of Sound Mind & Memory, to Ye best of their Knowledge
[Microfilm: “All Record of Wills”, Charleston County, SC, Vol. 1; pages 37, 38.]