Notes for Pons de Lauzières marquis DE THÉMINES
J-P de Palmas (roglo - O.Guionneau + P Ract Madoux (galeries historiques du Palais de Versailles, tome VII, 1842) 6 iv 2004)
marquis de Thémines, chevalier des ordres du roi (1597), maréchal de France (1 September 1616), gouverneur de Bretagne (1625)
(Pons de Lauzières de Cardaillac de Thémines)
Il prit part aux guerres de Religion et soumis le Quercy, puis il participa aux campagnes de Louis XIII contre les protestants (sièges de Montauban et la Rochelle). (He participated in the campaigns of Louis XIII against Protestants.)
Sources for this web site are many, including:
Ola Cook Timmons, Captain John Timmons and his Descendants by Kathy Dodge Loyd, H. F. Prioleau, Happy Heritage by Cannon,
Sermons in Stone by Jason Cockfield, Minute Books of the Hebron Baptist Church, Our Kin by Bernice McCutcheon,
Three Rivers Historical Society,
Old Darlington District Genealogy Chapter,
Berkeley County Historical Society,
Huguenot Settlers in North America,
and the US Census.
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