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Sarah Ann Elizabeth CHINNERS ( - )
Name: | Sarah Ann Elizabeth CHINNERS |
Sex: | Female |
Father: | Ezekiel C. CHINNERS (1721- ) |
Mother: | Sarah WOOD (1770- ) |
Individual Events and Attributes
(none) |
Individual Note
Transcribed by Francine Jones, 29 May 2001
In the Name of god Amen I John Wood of Marion District in
the State of South Carolina being weak in body but Sound in
mind and memory Blefsed be god for his abundant mercyes So
graciously bestowed on me and Calling to mind the mortallity
of this Body and that it is appointed for all men once to
Die Do make ordain and Constitute this my last Will and
Testament but first of all I Commit my Spirit into the hands
of God who Gave it nothing Doubting but I shall Recive the
same again at the last day and be again Reunited in Soul
and body by the amaizing power of almighty god as for my
Body I Commit the same to the Earth to be decently entered
in Christian form and Burial at the Descrestion of my Exe-
cutors here under mentioned and as for such worldly goods
as it hath pleased God to endow me with I do hereby dispose
of in manner and form following that is to Say after paying
and Sattisfying all my Just Debts and Funaral Charges which
I leave/to the descresion and Integrity of my Executors. Item I
give and Bequeath unto my wife Sarah Wood a Tract of land
Containing one hundred and forty five acres with house and
houses where I now live During her life and after her Dis-
cease or death I give this said plantation or Tract of land
to my Daughter Annes Son Adin James to be pofsesed by him
as his right and if adin James shuld die before he Comes of
age it shall be for her next Child and so on to the surviv-
ing Child and if he or they all die without heirs of their
Body begotten then it shall go to my daughter Anne. During
her life and at her Decease it Shall return to be devided
between the rest of my Children or grandchildren I also give
my wife sarah Wood one negro man named Bork and all my
horses and mares Cattel hogs Sheep houshold furniture and
Every thing Else I pofsefs without interruption for her to
use and Dispose of as she hath nead and as long as she liv-
eth and after her Discease Every thing Cattal horses, hogs,
sheap houshold furniture Negro plantation tools shall be
Equilly/dividedbetween my son John Wood Sarah Chinners Rebecca
Legett martha Legett and Anne James and I likewise give to
my son Jefse Wood that plantation and Tract of land on which
he now lives and his part and portion to him and his Hiers
forever, and I do hereby nominate Constitute and ordain or
appoint my Loving sons Jefse Wood and David Legett to be
my true and lawfull Executors to this my last will and tes-
tament Rattifiing and Confirming and no other to be my last
will or Testament hearby denying Revoking and Disanuling
all other wills or testaments whatsoever in testamony where-
of the aforesaid John Wood have heare unto set my hand and
Seal this Ninteenth day of march one thousand Eight hundred
and Eight
signed seal published and John Wood (SEAL)
Declared in the prefence
of us
James Legett
James James
John ///---- Bath
Recorded in Will Book 1, Page 50
Sworn to August 20, 1808
Saml Cooper, Ordy M. D.
Role No. 805