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Family of Pierre (Rev.) de RIVASSON and Jane HELIAS
Husband: | Pierre (Rev.) de RIVASSON (1630?-1686?) | |
Wife: | Jane HELIAS (1632?- ) | |
Children: | Marguerite de RIVASSON (1649?- ) | |
Rev. Franðcois de RIVASSON (1650- ) | ||
Jane de RIVASSON (1656- ) | ||
Jean DE RIVASSON ( - ) | ||
Jacques de RIVASSON (1657- ) | ||
Philippe de RIVASSON ( - ) | ||
Suzanne de RIVASSON (bap.1664) | ||
Marriage | 1649 (app) |
Husband: Pierre (Rev.) de RIVASSON
Name: | Pierre (Rev.) de RIVASSON 1 | |
Sex: | Male | |
Father: | David de RIVASSON (1585?- ) | |
Mother: | Marguerite LANGLE ( - ) | |
Birth | 1630 (app) | Bergerac, France |
Death | 1686 (app) (age 55-56) | Bergerac, France |
Wife: Jane HELIAS
Name: | Jane HELIAS | |
Sex: | Female | |
Father: | Jacques HELIAS ( - ) | |
Mother: | - | |
Birth | 1632 (app) |
Child 1: Marguerite de RIVASSON
Name: | Marguerite de RIVASSON 1 | |
Sex: | Female | |
Spouse: | Timothâee PLANTEAU (1648?- ) | |
Birth | 1649 (app) |
Child 2: Rev. Franðcois de RIVASSON
Name: | Rev. Franðcois de RIVASSON 1 | |
Sex: | Male | |
Title | Rev. | |
Birth | 1650 | Bergerac, France |
Child 3: Jane de RIVASSON
Name: | Jane de RIVASSON 1 | |
Sex: | Female | |
Spouse: | Pierre VILLEPONTOUX (1658-1711) | |
Birth | 9 Jan 1656 | Bergerac, Dordogne, France |
Baptism | 2 Feb 1656 (age 0) | La Force Huguenot church, near Bergerac, France |
Death | "B. 1711" | |
Burial | St. James Parish, Goose Creek, Santâee |
Child 4: Jean DE RIVASSON
Name: | Jean DE RIVASSON | |
Sex: | Male |
Child 5: Jacques de RIVASSON
Name: | Jacques de RIVASSON 1 | |
Sex: | Male | |
Birth | 1657 | Cousant, France |
Baptism | 20 Jul 1657 (age 0) | Temple de La Force, Eglise Râeformâe de Bergerac, France |
Child 6: Philippe de RIVASSON
Name: | Philippe de RIVASSON | |
Sex: | Male | |
Birth | "10 OCT 1660-1" | |
Death | "10 OCT 1660-1" | Temple de La Force, Eglise Râeformâe de Bergerac, Dordogne, France |
Child 7: Suzanne de RIVASSON
Name: | Suzanne de RIVASSON 1 | |
Sex: | Female | |
Baptism | 30 Mar 1664 | Temple de La Force, Eglise Râeformâe de Bergerac, Dordogne, France |
Note on Husband: Pierre (Rev.) de RIVASSON
Pastor of the Bergerac France Huguenot Church.
Note: de Rivasson family journal states that Pierre refused to sign abjuration after being tortured & made to listen to youngest daughter's screams while 20 dragoons raped her. He died from the torture. The de Rivasson's that survived became Catholic and have remained so until this day (2004).
The Bergerac church was destroyed in 1682. After the French revolution, the Catholic Church sold their old church to the Huguenots and it is presently used by the protestants.
Sources for this family include the Bergrac registers as read by Elizabeth Thomas and confirmed by Lionel de Rivasson.
The name Bergerac originally comes from the Gallo-Roman town, Bracarius.
From as early as the 12th century the town of Bergerac was something of an intellectual and commercial crossroads. With the Dordogne River crossing the town, commercial links were rapidly established with other regions, particularly Limousin and Bordeaux.
During the Wars of Religion, Bergerac became the intellectual capital of the Protestant movement and, nicknamed «the little Geneva», benefited in no inconsiderable way from the Nantes Edict.
Associated with Bergerac is La Force and Limonzie. Pays de la Force (the 12 communes which make up the canton of La Force plus the communes of Lamonzie St Martin and Gardonne which are linked to La Force).
The « Pays de la Force » is situated along the Dordogne River between Bergerac and St Foy la Grande. It is bordered to the north by the canton of Mussidan and the Landais forest. In 420 the Visigoths settled in the region and ruled until Clovis’ conquest in 507. In the 8th century Dagobert brought the « Pays de la Force » under the wing of the kingdom of Toulouse whereupon it was administered by Charlemagne and his descendants.
In the 10th century the « Pays de la Force » passed into the hands of Adalbert of Pâerigord renowned for his rebellious attitude towards Hugues Capet. In 1131, following the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry Plantagenet, the English took possession of the area. The Prâevãot family first appears in the 12th century, following the First Holy Crusade. The Caumont family came to La Force in 1554 with the marriage of Franðcois de Caumont with Philippine de Beaupoil, a direct descendant of the Prâevãots. These seigneurs were to become marquis, barons, dukes and peers of the crown (in 1637).
The land was ravaged umpteen times by the Black Prince during the Hundred Years War and only became French soil again following the 1453 Battle of Castillon.
During the Reformation the House of Caumont-La Force joined the House of Navarre in the Huguenot’s fight against the Catholics. Jacques Nompar de Caumont, Duke of La Force and a great friend of Henry IV, defended Montauban against Louis XIII in 1631 before fighting - in his role as field-marshal - in the Thirty Years War.
The fifth duke of Caumont, raised by the Jesuits, renounced his faith in 1683 and persecuted the Protestants of his duchy.
Bergerac is Cyrano’s hometown.
Note on Wife: Jane HELIAS
Possibly related to:
d''HELIS, Andrâe
Birth: before 1594
Death: 1644
Occupation: Pasteur áa St Sâebastien (1614-15), St Jean d'Hâerans (1616-?)
Andre's wife was:
de BARDONENCHE, Lucráece, Birth: after 1626, Death: after 1707
Lucrece's parents were (married 1626):
de BARDONENCHE, Câesar Birth: before 1610, Occupation: Sieur de Sousville
and CLEMENT, Jeanne, Birth: before 1613
Source: http://huguenots-france.org/english/pastors
or -
Hâelie (Elie, Pierre ?)(pp. 194-5) de : Bouet (Robert).- Le clergâe du
district de Nontron (suite), Bulletin de la Sociâetâe Historique et
Archâeologique du Pâerigord, Tome CIX 3e livraison, 30 septembre 1982, pp.
Note on Child 2: Rev. Franðcois de RIVASSON
pasteur râefugiâe
Of Fonclare, minister, emigrates into Holland where he presides(officiates) to Arnhem.
Note on Child 3: Jane de RIVASSON
From Bergerac Registry FHL Film #2269539 p.21 translated and transcribed by Lionel de RIVASSON.
Rivasson - Du mercredi second de febvrier 1656 A la pri?re du soir faicte par Monsieur d?Azimon a ?t? baptis? Jane fille de Mr Rivasson pasteur & de dame Jane Helias, n?e le 9 Janvier 1656. P. (parrain) Fran?ois Rivasson, M. (marraine) Marguerite Rivasson.
On Wednesday, the second of February 1656, during the evening prayer done by Mr d?Azimon, was baptised Jane daughter of Mr Rivasson, Minister & Mrs Jane Helias, born on January the 9th of 1656. P. (Godfather) Fran?ois Rivasson, M. (Godmother) Marguerite Rivasson. (she has older siblings with these names).
From Elizabeth Thomas -
Jane de Rivasson, b: 9 Jan 1656, Bergerac, Dordogne, FR; c: 2 Feb 1656, Temple de La Force, Eglise Râeformâe de Bergerac, Dordogne, France, emigrated to England & signed denization papers w/husband Pierre Villepontoux, Advocat; 24 Dec 1691, received Royal consent on denization 3rd William and Mary; 1692 emigrated to New York; Abt 1693, immigrated to New Rochelle, Westchester, New York; 1701 sold New Rochelle property & immigrated to South Carolina; d: Aft 1702?, St. James Parish, Goose Creek, Santâee, Province of Carolina.
Note on Child 4: Jean DE RIVASSON
Sr of the Treasurer, lawyer(avocado) in Parliament, emigrates into Holland with his(her) brother Franðcois where they make a commitment in the company of 50 cadets under N 503. (" The French Officers in Dutch service after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes during the period 1686 - On 1689 ", by the Chief warrant officer.
("les Officiers franðcais en service hollandais apráes la râevocation de l’Edit de Nantes pendant la pâeriode 1686 - 1689" by le Major Boerâee, by the Chief warrant officer Boerâee in Bulletin de la Commission de l’Histoire des Eglises Wallonnes, IVe sâerie, 1áere
livraison, Leyde 1928, áa la Bibliotháeque de la Sociâetâe d’Histoire du Protestantisme.) Source:Odile de RIVASSON-LE COCQ
DENIZATION in England -
To these reasons the Lords appended a statement of services or other merits of the
individual persons. In the present text these statements of services are added in brackets
after the names concerned from Persode p. 281 down to Raffan p. 286.
The general entry for the taking of the oaths is given on p.585 and 602, Vol. XII., of the
Commons' Journals where the names show several variations from the text as below. These
Variants are here inserted in brackets.
JOHN RIVASSEN (RIVASSON), born at Bergerac in France, son of Peter Rivassen by Jane, his
wife. (Name occurs as Ravasson in C.J. XII., 552).
1699 April 3. Naturalization Act (Legge and 104 others).-Certificates that the following persons have received the
Sacrament, according to the usage of the Church of England, viz :-
JOHN DE RIVASSON [Rivassen in Act.] Attested by James Fonsubrane and Rene Granger. Rest as in (2).
[Rivassen, Commission as Ensign in 1693. Com. Book. 3 April.]
Note on Child 5: Jacques de RIVASSON
Bergerac FHL Film #2269539 p.42 (translated by Elizabeth Thomas).
Jaques, son of Monsier Rivasson, minister, & of Damselle Jeanne Helias, born (no date) in province of Cousant (or Cousarrt). Baptized 20 Jul 1657.
Note on Child 6: Philippe de RIVASSON
ne vecu pas (did not live)
Bergerac FHL Film #2269539 p. 87
Philippe Rivasson, son of Mr. Pierre Rivasson & Jane Helias, born 10 Oct 1661. Died.
Note on Child 7: Suzanne de RIVASSON
râefugiâee ?
Bergerac FHL Film #2269539 p. 138 (translated by Elizabeth Thomas)
Suzanne Rivasson, daughter of Mr. Pierre Rivasson, Minister, & of Damselle Jeanne Helias, born............; baptized 30 Mar 1664.
Emigrated into Holland where we find her during the baptism of the girl of her cousin Jean. Source: Odile de RIVASSON-LE COCQ
1 | Lionel RIVASSON, "Lionel RIVASSON email". |