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Family of David de RIVASSON and Marguerite LANGLE
Husband: | David de RIVASSON (1585?- ) | |
Wife: | Marguerite LANGLE ( - ) | |
Children: | Pierre (Rev.) de RIVASSON (1630?-1686?) | |
Jean de RIVASSON ( - ) |
Husband: David de RIVASSON
Name: | David de RIVASSON 1 | |
Sex: | Male | |
Father: | Pierre de RIVASSON ( - ) | |
Mother: | Martha de BELRIEU ( - ) | |
Birth | 1585 (app) | Bergerac, France |
Wife: Marguerite LANGLE
Name: | Marguerite LANGLE 1 | |
Sex: | Female | |
Father: | - | |
Mother: | - |
Child 1: Pierre (Rev.) de RIVASSON
Name: | Pierre (Rev.) de RIVASSON 1 | |
Sex: | Male | |
Spouse: | Jane HELIAS (1632?- ) | |
Birth | 1630 (app) | Bergerac, France |
Death | 1686 (app) (age 55-56) | Bergerac, France |
Child 2: Jean de RIVASSON
Name: | Jean de RIVASSON | |
Sex: | Male | |
Spouse: | Suzanne-Marie BOUSSATRAN ( - ) |
Note on Husband: David de RIVASSON
Occupation: Advocate (Source for occupation and birth, Lionel de RIVASSON)
However, his first name has not be confirmed as David.
Note on Wife: Marguerite LANGLE
Was she from a Huguenot pastors family?
LANGLE, Maximilien Sex: Masculine Birth: before 1600
Profession: Sior of Beams, Pasteur (Huguenot)
Mariage: 1616
|-----BOCHARD, Etienne
|-----BOCHARD ; BOCHART, Renâe
BOCHARD, Marie Sexe: Fâeminin Naissance: avant 1603
|-----DUMOULIN, Esther
This Marie BOCHARD is the daughter of a Huguenot pastor BOCHARD, Renâe
Birth: 1560 Death: 1614 Occupation: Sieur du Mâenillet, Pasteur
Note #Gâenâerale#se râefugie en Angleterre pendant les guerres de la Ligue.
Pasteur áa Rouen en 1594.
Note on Child 1: Pierre (Rev.) de RIVASSON
Pastor of the Bergerac France Huguenot Church.
Note: de Rivasson family journal states that Pierre refused to sign abjuration after being tortured & made to listen to youngest daughter's screams while 20 dragoons raped her. He died from the torture. The de Rivasson's that survived became Catholic and have remained so until this day (2004).
The Bergerac church was destroyed in 1682. After the French revolution, the Catholic Church sold their old church to the Huguenots and it is presently used by the protestants.
Sources for this family include the Bergrac registers as read by Elizabeth Thomas and confirmed by Lionel de Rivasson.
The name Bergerac originally comes from the Gallo-Roman town, Bracarius.
From as early as the 12th century the town of Bergerac was something of an intellectual and commercial crossroads. With the Dordogne River crossing the town, commercial links were rapidly established with other regions, particularly Limousin and Bordeaux.
During the Wars of Religion, Bergerac became the intellectual capital of the Protestant movement and, nicknamed «the little Geneva», benefited in no inconsiderable way from the Nantes Edict.
Associated with Bergerac is La Force and Limonzie. Pays de la Force (the 12 communes which make up the canton of La Force plus the communes of Lamonzie St Martin and Gardonne which are linked to La Force).
The « Pays de la Force » is situated along the Dordogne River between Bergerac and St Foy la Grande. It is bordered to the north by the canton of Mussidan and the Landais forest. In 420 the Visigoths settled in the region and ruled until Clovis’ conquest in 507. In the 8th century Dagobert brought the « Pays de la Force » under the wing of the kingdom of Toulouse whereupon it was administered by Charlemagne and his descendants.
In the 10th century the « Pays de la Force » passed into the hands of Adalbert of Pâerigord renowned for his rebellious attitude towards Hugues Capet. In 1131, following the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry Plantagenet, the English took possession of the area. The Prâevãot family first appears in the 12th century, following the First Holy Crusade. The Caumont family came to La Force in 1554 with the marriage of Franðcois de Caumont with Philippine de Beaupoil, a direct descendant of the Prâevãots. These seigneurs were to become marquis, barons, dukes and peers of the crown (in 1637).
The land was ravaged umpteen times by the Black Prince during the Hundred Years War and only became French soil again following the 1453 Battle of Castillon.
During the Reformation the House of Caumont-La Force joined the House of Navarre in the Huguenot’s fight against the Catholics. Jacques Nompar de Caumont, Duke of La Force and a great friend of Henry IV, defended Montauban against Louis XIII in 1631 before fighting - in his role as field-marshal - in the Thirty Years War.
The fifth duke of Caumont, raised by the Jesuits, renounced his faith in 1683 and persecuted the Protestants of his duchy.
Bergerac is Cyrano’s hometown.
Note on Child 2: Jean de RIVASSON
Jean de RIVASSON sieur du Guel qui vivait áa Prigonrieux au lieu-
dit "Le Guel" propriâetâe qui resta dans la famille jusqu'en 1771 et de
Marie BOSSATRAN. Tous deux protestants. Jean de RIVASSON est dâecâedâe
entre le 4 janvier 1692 et aoãut 1697.
Occupation: Advocate (or lawyer). Source: Lionel RIVASSON
Children and dates from Odile de RIVASSON-LE COCQ.
Unknown data below -
Date : Fri, 07 Jan 2005 18:04:52 -0000
De : "Francoise Corpron"
Objet : Re : Prâesentation - Famille RIVASSON
1/12/1649 Saintes (Notaire Pierre DEXMIER 3E26/82)
Pascaud RIVASSEAU, de Brizambourg < + Hallain et Marie PREVODEAU
x Marie BERTRAND, de Saintes (S. Vivien) < Mathurin et Guillemette
1658 Saintes (Notaire BALLET - il ne reste que son râepertoire non
23-8-1626 Thâenac (Me ARNAULD 3E26/918)
Louis PIBAULD, de Thâenac x Ozanne PEIGNIER, de Râetaud, < feu Franðcois et Ozanne RIVASSEAU (idem Catherine PIBAULD x Pierre PEIGNIER) 7-2-1664 Montpellier de Mâedillan (Me BABROTIN 3E26/1030) Antoine RIVASSEAU, de Talmont < Franðcois et Franðcoise DUTASTRE x Suzanne REUSTIN, de MdM (Une fille Suzanne RIVASSEAU mariâee en 1692 áa MdM) Quelques autres au XVIIIáeme siáecle. Cordialement, Franðcoise CORPRON Sources
1 Lionel RIVASSON, "Lionel RIVASSON email".